Deep Dive into Building a Flask Todo App: Unveiling Architecture and Components for Robust Web Development

Achal Vats

This article provides a comprehensive overview of building a Flask Todo App, focusing on its architecture and components. The Todo App features a simple task management system with frontend components (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and backend components (Flask App with SQLAlchemy for database interactions). The article also covers routes, views, database operations, and considerations for production deployment, emphasizing the importance of understanding each component for robust web application development.

Logs Monitoring and Analysis

Developed an end to end log monitoring system, using Auth0 and AWS, for timely intrusion detection and analysis of logs.

Achal Vats

The project encompassed front-end development with a user-friendly interface, back-end construction using Python and Flask to ensure secure data transmission, and the implementation of Auth0's advanced access control mechanisms. Leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS), the author deployed the application via Elastic Beanstalk, establishing an event-driven architecture using AWS Eventbridge for real-time communication with AWS Lambda. The project's success not only highlighted the importance of robust security measures but also inspired future exploration of machine learning models for real-time anomaly detection in logs, further enhancing the application's security.